Live Online Certificate Course

Enroll for a course, attend online classes and get Certificate!

Teachers Time - Early Childhood Development

Early Childhood Development Course

Explore your child's hidden potential

The certificate course on Early Childhood Development will give an overall understanding of the importance of early childhood care and development, major theories and the strengths of each.
The course is conducted by some of the most reputed practitioners, experts in the field of early childhood education in Bangladesh and in the region.

Child Caregiving Course

Job Placement after Successful Course Completion

Join this two-week special training on Child Caregiving, complete the course and start your child caregiver career.

Teachers Time - Caregiver Feature

Children Behavior Management Course

Learn the techniques and change your child's behavior

As a parent, we always get worried about behavior of our child. This certificate course on Children Behavior Management will help you to find out the reasons of child's negative behavior and how to solve them positively. Enroll now and start changing your child's negative behavior today!

Teachers Time - Behavior Management Course
Teachers Time - Early Learning for Children

Effective Teaching Course

Enroll and learn techniques of Effective Teaching

Teachers are regularly searching for most effective teaching techniques to teach their student's better.

This certificate course on Effective Teaching course will help teachers to know deep about their students, their learning styles etc. and few effective techniques to teach children anything effectively.

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